Kia ora my name is Raharuhi we are learning to find information about the plants,spaceship,moon,satellites,sun,stars.I used google slide and I used google to find facts for my presentation about the planets. what I like about my presentation is my moving image and what i don't like about this is finding facts.what I found easy about my work is find images what I found hard is everything because I have to find facts .
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
My Holiday
Kia ora my name Raharuhi i'am learning to write a recount about our holiday. I used google docs for my writing. what I like about my story is everything because it's so cool and I like my story. what I don't like about my story is nothing because there's not anything to not like
sIn the holiday we went to auckland for my dad, because he had to get a cast on his ankle.
We all went to auckland Me Renata chiefy sapphire and tu pakari and mum.
When we went past the harbour bridge we said” do they have a flash house my mum said no.
When we got to her house we got all of our bags and blanket and pillow then we kiss and hugged and we had a kai after our I had rest then I went to sleep.
The next day we went to the hospital when we left the house we went to the 2$ shop for a back scratch. then we arrived at the hospital.
Then we went into the hospital and went up the stairs and went to the waiting room and
When we got there we ask what room did he had to go to and then she said” what’s your name andre palmer alright just wait in the waiting room.
When a lady came she said” this way then we followed her to a room and gave him
Some clothes then she took him up the stairs. Then we went to a mole for some mcdonalds
When we arrived there we went to look for a parking. Next we went in inside and looked for a macdonalds.
Then we found it, we odded 20 box and the 28 box then we found a spot to sit at. I had two cheese burger and some fries . when we finished we went back to the hospital when we got back we waited in the car
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Rugby game
Today ashton loma buti and has a double nee and Raharuhi messam is big and play number 8 james mccaw is big and play number 7 .fast and a kicker went to Moerewa rugby
field and had a rugby game. when ashton lomu kicked it off Raharuhi messam it and james macaw chass the ball then i ran up to james mccaw
then raha messam steps james mccaw. (I try to run but You see i’M not that fast)then ashton lomu (comes in like a wrecking ball) and cripples Raharuhi messam( said ho dat who Der) then james mccaw. At motown rugby field james mccaw ran to his place and got his Lambo and picked him up and took him to the hospital.
rang the hospital then they said we are coming now .then they broke down and they rang up and said we can’t fix this then he suddenly heard a sound oooaa and then he wakes up it was all a dream and james say wake up my moko wake up Moko then james sequences raha nose. And a photo of us.and the end.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
kia ora my name is my Raharuhi I am learning to find evidence in our Reading .
I used google slid for my work. I learned that Maori used Ngaio leaves or Rauhe fronds. liked when the Maori used Ngaio leaves and Rauhe fronds. I didn't like it how the Sand flies suck our blood.what I found easy is how I find evidence in the book. what I found hard is some of the words. And my Next learning step is doing my spelling at home.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Friday, July 8, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Te Tane journey
kia ora
my name is Raharuhi we where making a animation for Matariki. everyone was making a animation. by Raharuhi and Ashton and James. we had 152 slid for our animation it had taken us 4 day to finish plus recording some of our recording had laughing in it and sometime made lots of sound. and sometime you can here people laughing from class.we even sang the Matariki song and we even labeled the stars.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
how to make a paper mache pa
Have you ever wonder how to make a pa out of paper mache
First you research on a pa then you draw on a piece of paper then we get a cardboard and some scrap paper and some paste glue
Then we spread glue around the cardboard and then place the paper on the cardboard then make a little mountain after that we make some marae and some poe.
Then we paint it with white paint then we wait until it tire then we paint it with red,blue,ink blue,brown,yellow,green.
Then we go to get some staff outside.then we glue the sticks and the rest on the pa.
After that you should put some little huts.all you need is some cardboard and some stick and a glue gun. Then you glue it on your pa.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
TITLE: go to my aunty 50 brithday____________________________________________
1where? up kaitai
2.who? me my there brother and my dad and sister
3.what? where went to go say happy birthday
4.why? for our aunty birthday
5.when? on saturday the
in the weekend i went to my aunty 50 birthday. when we arrived at the house we went to go and hareru my whanau. when we finish hareru our whanau we went up to the bach to have a look . when we got there my dad said”the grass has grown high”. then he “said we’ll come up and clean it up.then we went back to the house to check if the hangi was ready.when we got to the house my dad asked our cousins if it was ready, he said’ not yet my cuz. it so we waited for the hangi.then our dad told us that the hangi was ready. so we walked down to the the hangi pit and waited to get the hangi out of the pit.when they got it out we took some photos the hangi.then our cousin did karakai.after he finish karakai all the little kids went up to get there food then the adults went up to get there food. after we finish with our food they said the cake will be out soon. so we ate all of our food and waited for the cake when the cake came out they said all the little kids come up for a photo. when the photo was finished we went to go and get some cake. after we finish eating the cake we asked if we can take some they said ok.first we went to hareru our whanau then we went back home.
ok wont forget that miss baker.
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Miss Baker
Some simple ideas and some detail. Make sure you include all the detail about what you did and saw.
Friday, February 26, 2016
dream giver
then the magic slim made the boy dream was true. the boy wanted to go out to space.suddenly the boy bumped the magic egg onto his book and sucked him into the book.when he was in the book he went wandering off. then he found a cave and went to have a look and he saw to big yellow eyes look at him then he ran for his life.then he almost ran of the cliff but he stopped and had a look around for a way out but it was to late the monster was already there. then the dream giver throw some boom at the monster and the mad a tree growing on top of the monster.after that the boy woke up and went to the book and had a look at it and saw the little boy in his dream. next the dream giver flew away.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Black Rhino
A black rhinoceros is twelve feet long.
A black rhinoceros vary in weight from about 2,000-4,000 pound.
They are entirely grey thick skin.
the rhino's thick skin helps protect it from thorn and glass
Females give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of 15-16 months.
Calves weigh about 85 pounds at birth. Black Rhino calves can follow their mothers soon after birth, They reach full maturity at about 5 years.
The Black Rhino inhabits dense bush habitats in Sub-Saharan, eastern Africa.
Although Black Rhinos have an excellent sense of smell, their eyesight is very limited, which may explain why rhinos will charge before they investigate the target.
The Black Rhinoceros is characterized by its two large, keratin horns, the second of which can measure nearly three feet in length, Black Rhinos have large ears that can rotate to pick up sounds.
They have been hunted relentlessly for their valuable horns.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
My Holidays
I went to the marae for a family reunion.when we got there we had to go hareru our whanau.After we finish hareru our whanau we went to get our bags out of the van and carried them into the marae and layed them under the chair.Then we came out of the marae and went to get a rugby ball out of the rugby bag.Me and my brothers were play passes then some of our couise arried.Some of them came to play with us.After we finish we passing the around one of our couise said should we play touch.Me and my brother
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